Friday, February 29, 2008

To Do or Not To Do?

"You know, I've got this great idea, but I think I'll start it next week." 

"I'm going to start calling people by name... tomorrow." 
"I want to start a business, but there are so many people in that field already, I don't think it'll work." 
"Look, I want to do it, but I'm not smart enough."
RED FLAG!!! See the above quotes? Make sure you never, and I mean never, say those words! Talk about success killers! They're example of just a few excuses people use to not pursue something greater than themselves. "Next week" and "tomorrow" never come! If you want to do something, do it today! Take action! Stop watching American Idol videos online and get moving! Remember:

"The men who try to do something and fail are infinitely better than those who try to do nothing and succeed."
-Lloyd Jones

Now stop wasting time thinking about what could be done, and DO IT! Want to change
something about yourself? DO IT! Want to start a project to help people, a business, or an 
organization? DO IT DO IT DO IT!!! You'll feel much better about yourself once you getting

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You have inspired me to take matters into my own hands and cut off my cast NOW! Forget waiting a month for my leg to heal....
